Monday, December 14, 2009


I can’t see you
sitting in front of me
I’m blinded by your
dominating beam of light
that shoots straight through
my past.

Here is what happened
after seven years,
we were tired of trying
to maintain… we broke
away from each other,
I met someone new
you met someone new

she wasn’t so unlike me
but not so much like me either
you are moving in together

We both stop following our
delicate vegan regimes
because we are so tired

Tired of the carefully-
worded explanations, the
uncomfortable moment
when you refuse a seemingly
harmless dish and end up with
dry salad.

We were always prone
to giving up. Each night
when I got home from work
and you were on the couch
watching television, I knew
you had given up something.

These are just small things,
The deaths of animals,
the endings of relationships,
they are so tiny
on this planet
in this universe
it makes me tired
to think of it.

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